Reliable onsite water reuse operations

From conventional to high-tech systems, Epic Cleantec has certified operators ready to help

A growing number of buildings and communities are looking to decentralized wastewater treatment systems to conserve water resources and ensure compliance with state regulations. When your building depends on reliable wastewater system performance, it’s essential to hire the right operations and maintenance team to oversee your water reuse system.

Epic Cleantec provides certified operators with deep water reuse operations and maintenance experience for both conventional systems (extended aeration, ponds, conventional activated sludge) as well as high-tech systems (MBR, RO, UV disinfection, SCADA-controlled).

Certified Epic Cleantec operator Ryan T pouring chemicals into an onsite water reuse system
Epic Cleantec operator Ryan P holding a vial of effluent water

We’re here for you

Connect with us for your new development or current system operations

As a turnkey onsite water reuse technology provider, Epic Cleantec includes operation and maintenance cost considerations when calculating the life cycle cost for new system deployments. We also provide stand-alone ongoing maintenance options for existing systems where owners require certified professionals to oversee the system’s operations and preventative maintenance.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our operations and maintenance services available in select cities.

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Process and expectations of Epic’s O&M team

What you can expect from our expert team of operators

When working with new clients, we develop a customized plan for ongoing operations and maintenance of water reuse systems. We conduct a treatment system performance assessment to gather baseline data and outline all O&M responsibilities required for both compliance and reliable operations. This fosters transparent and clear expectations for Epic’s service team as well as system owners and operators.

  • Regular onsite visits based on technology requirements and regulatory compliance
  • 24/7 operation and alarm response to emergencies
  • Implementation of preventative maintenance programs
  • Reports relating to system health on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis
  • System automation and controls for programming, implementation and adjustment
  • Professional acumen and problem-solving for any system type
Epic Cleantec operator Sam at a water reuse SCADA panel

Meet Epic Cleantec’s O&M team

Decades of experience operating a variety of onsite water reuse systems

Epic’s water reuse operations team has cultivated strong relationships with regulatory bodies and maintains certifications with the California State Water Resources Control Board. Our goal is to provide the level of efficiency required to meet or exceed regulatory requirements while being transparent in all operational processes, including system performance, regulatory compliance, and customer service.

Learn more about our team and the keys to a successful onsite water reuse operation.

Epic Cleantec O&M Referral Program 

Do you know of a development with an onsite water reuse system that would benefit from Epic’s outstanding operations and maintenance services? With our referral program, you can earn $250 for each successful client referral! Learn more about our referral program.

Refer & Earn

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