image of Epic Cleantec's OneWater system

The OneWater system

Epic’s OneWater system can safely recycle up to 95% of a building’s wastewater to produce three sustainable outputs:

  1. Recycled water that can be reused directly onsite for non-potable applications like cooling towers, toilet and urinal flushing, irrigation, or clothes washing;
  2. Recovered energy from wastewater heat can be captured and used to preheat domestic hot water supply;
  3. Repurposed natural soil amendments that can be used in landscaping projects, gardens, or even local parks.

Request a free assessment of ROM cost, area requirements, water savings potential, and learn the payback period and ROI for your upcoming project.

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How does the OneWater system work?

Our system is unique in that it can integrate various wastewater sources within a building — including greywater, blackwater, rainwater, stormwater, condensate, and foundation drainage — into a single management system. This holistic approach ensures maximum efficiency and resource recovery, unlike conventional onsite systems that typically focus on just one type of water.

blackwater reuse treatment process flow graphic

  1. Prefiltration and Equalization 
    Water collected from showers, sinks, toilets, washing machines and other wastewater sources is prefiltered then stored in an equalization tank that buffers out flow, reducing the size of the downstream system. 
  2. Biological Treatment 
    The raw water undergoes biological treatment for removal of organics, known as Biological Oxygen Demand, or BOD. During the aerobic or anaerobic step, microorganisms metabolize organic compounds in the wastewater, degrading them into simpler substances such as carbon dioxide, water, and biomass.
  3. Membrane Filtration 
    Water is then rigorously filtered using membranes with a nominal pore diameter of .04 microns – about 1750X thinner than a single human hair – to remove any remaining impurities. 
  4. Disinfection and Heat Recovery 
    Before pumping for reuse in the building, water undergoes multiple steps of disinfection via ultraviolet light and chlorine, which render the water safe for reuse in non-potable applications. If heat recovery is included, the system can capture that energy and use it to pre-heat the incoming supply, ultimately reducing hot water demand and cutting down on energy costs.

The OneWater system safely treats and recycles water onsite for non-potable reuse applications like toilet and urinal flushing, cooling tower makeup, irrigation, and clothes washing. Leveraging a multi-barrier approach that includes ultrafiltration membranes and state of the art disinfection systems, the OneWater system produces a highly purified final product that is guaranteed to meet regulatory requirements for interior and exterior recycled water reuse, meeting disinfected tertiary reuse effluent standards. Learn more about MBR technology and why it’s best suited for buildings.

a man sitting at a desk using a computer with Epic's OneWater dashboard on the screen

Fully automated with remote monitoring

Every critical function of the system operates automatically, saving time and limiting manual operator interaction. The cloud-based system is configured with remote monitoring capabilities and safety alarms, and Epic’s trusted O&M team provides 24/7 operator response.

The reporting dashboard provides a snapshot of your system’s health, including up-to-date utility savings, total gallons of water reused, a summary of performance and much more. Customize your dashboard settings according to what is most valuable to you and send automated reports.  

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Eco-Insights dashboard

Designed for buildings

The Eco-Insights dashboard makes maintaining your system simple and efficient. Building owners and operators can manage their system from anywhere, reducing operational costs.

  • 21.5” built-in capacitive touchscreen
  • Fully automated reporting capabilities
  • System health monitoring
  • Real-time energy & water savings
Epic's Eco-Insight dashboard shown on a desktop and mobile screen

Technology features & benefits

Epic Cleantec collaborates closely with owner, developer, architect, engineer, and contractor teams to develop a customized solution for each onsite water reuse project.

Physical specs & features

  • Systems occupy just a few parking spaces' worth of square footage and are designed to be the most space-efficient water reuse technology in the market
  • Built for deployment of any scale, our system can process flows ranging from 1,000 to 30,000 gallons per day
  • Complies with local and state public health regulations while our O&M team monitors the system 24/7

Immediate impact & benefits

  • Helps building owners achieve Net Zero Energy goals — one of the only systems designed to integrally treat wastewater & recover heat from the wastewater stream for return to the building
  • Reduce building energy consumption by recouping lost thermal energy that otherwise gets washed down the drain
  • Save money on water and sewer costs by reducing the building’s water demand from municipalities

Who we serve

Epic Cleantec’s solutions help save water and reduce utilities fees for many different types of buildings where sustainability, efficiency and cost-savings goals are a high priority. Learn more about our ability to effectively implement onsite water reuse and full resource recovery systems in buildings, communities, and across industries. 

Wo We Serve
an image of Jewel Changi airport's sustainable water feature and lush landscape
  • Trusted by industry leaders
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The Epic way to address global water challenges

Aging infrastructure, growing urban populations, and water scarcity due to a changing climate are exacerbating water and wastewater challenges around the world. Epic’s unique approach using onsite water recycling technology helps minimize the impacts of real estate on the environment, while reducing water, energy, and operational costs for our customers. Learn more about the Epic team and our truly Epic mission.

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