The Chorus apartments in SF

“Buildings are designed to last decades, if not centuries, so any structure designed today must account for the dwindling water supply. A prime example of a building that excels in water conservation is Chorus apartments in San Francisco. It is no coincidence that such innovative water design originates from ‘the city by the bay.’ San Francisco was the first U.S. city to require all new buildings to use recycled water.”

We’re proud to see Chorus, a 26-story luxury apartment high-rise, lead the way in water conservation with a greywater reuse system managed by Epic Cleantec, saving nearly 3 million gallons annually. 

Big thanks to Propmodo Editor & Co-Founder, Franco Faraudo, for spotlighting this innovative project and our unique partnership with Sentral! Check out the full article to learn how water reuse is reshaping urban living.